Monday, 29 June 2020

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) update and free webinar now available

The latest issue of Journal Citation Reports, which provides 2019 data, has been released and is now available.  Further details regarding the new JCR 2020 release can be found at:  

 Access JCR from the TU Dublin Database LIsting:

Please find details below of a forthcoming *FREE* webinar which may be interest:

Identify your institution’s essential journals with the Web of Science

Do you know which publications are most critical to advancing your institution’s mission? Citation analysis can help you understand the importance of particular journals to your students, faculty, and researchers, and align your collections management decisions to these priorities. Join our webinar to find out how the Web of Science, InCites Benchmarking & Analytics, and Journal Citation Reports can help enhance your collections management decisions. During the session, you'll learn how to:

  • Identify which journals your institution’s authors cite and publish in most frequently
  • Quickly determine which journals in the sciences and social sciences play a key role in scholarly communications for the disciplines you support
  • Uncover which journals are citing your institution’s authors