The following e-books are now available : they can be found at
or via the TU Dublin library catalogue and doing a title or an author search and following the e-book link.
Chemical Elements in Life / Wansen Zhu, 2020.
Essential Organic Chemistry / Paula Yurkanis Bruice. 3rd Edition, 2015.
The Physics of CT dosimetry: CTDI and beyond / Robert L Dixon. 2019.
Introduction to Machine Learning / Ethem Ipaydin. 3rd Edition. 2014.
Internet and the World Wide Web How to Program / Harvey M. Deitel. 5th Edition 2014.
Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care / David B. Elliott. 4th Edition, 2014.
Medical Microbiology / Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael Pfaller. 7th Edition, 2013.