This is an important opportunity to be involved in Team TU Dublin's contribution to EUvsVirus and to share an invitation on behalf of Professor David Fitzpatrick, to participate and contribute towards this worthwhile endeavour.
What is EUvsVirus?
EUvsVirus is a pan-European Hackathon to connect innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to coronavirus.
The #EUvsVirus challenge led by the European Commission - in partnership with CESAER – aligns with our efforts to mobilise our creativity and ingenuity to help tackle this pandemic. I encourage all of us to contribute to this effort in whichever way we can, from promoting this effort in our social media channels and beyond, to participating in the hackathon whether as a problem solver or as a mentor. Let’s work together. Full details at:
The #EUvsVirus Hackathon will take place on 24, 25 and 26 April and address approximately 20 imminent coronavirus challenges. More information:
When is it on?
The hackathon is on the 24th, 25th and 26th of April 2020. Full agenda here:
What kind of people are we looking for?
Problem Solvers - developers, designers, creative minds and all problem solvers with expertise in Health, Business, Social & Political Cohesion, Education, Digital Finance as well as other areas.
Mentors - experts in the areas of Health, Business, Social & Political Cohesion, Education, Digital Finance and other areas who support the problem solvers with their inside view and experience. Besides, we need team coordinators who organise and coordinate the teams during the hackathon.
The University has already registered as a partner, we would now love people to volunteer as problem solvers and mentors.
How can I participate?
You can participate in the hackathon as a problem solver, working in one of the challenge areas or you can contribute as a mentor in a specific team, working with and supporting teams that are working through challenges. If you would like to volunteer to participate as a problem solver or mentor click on the following link
I am unable to participate but would like to support, how can I help?
You can help spread this message by sharing information on your social media channels. Please copy and paste the following link, handles and hashtags into postings: @EU_Commission @CESAER_SnT #EUvsVirus #TeamTUDublin #WeAreTUDublin
Please find below some stock tweets which you are welcome to copy and paste onto your social media, or feel free to coin your own:
Tweet One:
Do you want to support the development of innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges? We need problem solvers, creators, innovators, designers, thinkers, we need you! @EU_Commission @CESAER_SnT #EUvsVirus #TeamTUDublin #WeAreTUDublin
Tweet Two:
Calling #TeamTUDublin - Registration for the pan-European #EUvsVirus Hackathon now open! Challenges: #Health #BusinessContinuity #RemoteWorking # Education #Cohesion #DigitalFinance & more @EU_Commission