1. 14th September at 10.30am.
Understanding research
collaboration: How can I measure and demonstrate the value of collaborations?
(1 hour)
- Does collaboration really affect impact?
- Who should I collaborate with?
- Can I assess past collaborations?
- What about industry-academic collaborations?
Registration at: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/k2/j.php?MTID=t2ac147def9c1e111bd74955f6e3756d7
2. 18th September at 10am.
From discovery to publishing,
how to improve your researcher journey (45 mins)
In this session we will demonstrate how our range of products
help researchers throughout a typical journey from discovery to publication. We
will also show how to make sure that you get recognition for all your efforts.
Registration at: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/k2/j.php?MTID=t6207bd0f38c071fdf52c2c7e8259b364
3. 26th September at 10am.
Web of Science: An efficient
combination of patents, publications, research data, for unrivalled
bibliographic discovery (45 mins).
Registration at: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/k2/j.php?MTID=tbd6f04faaa32007dc3cc03fe02f9c825