Tuesday 13 February 2018

Web of Science: Free February webinars for postgrads and researchers

 Clarivate Analytics have organised three FREE webinars throughout February.

1.       The Eugene Garfield legacy and the Web of Science:  22 February, 10.30am

2.       How can I identify Funding Sources?  27 February, 10.00am

3.       Learn how to create and consolidate an author identity (ORCID/RID) in order to be compliant with Publisher and Funder requirements for authors.  28 February, 10.00am

(1)          The Eugene Garfield legacy- learn about the unique foundations and history of the Web of Science – 22 February, 10.30am

Date: Thursday 22nd February 
Time: 10.30am GMT Time 
Duration: 45 minutes 
Register at: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/k2/j.php?MTID=tafb35fb06d4c1a6896935c2c04534a97

•             Did you know today Google Page Rank uses Eugene Garfield’s concept?
•             Do you consider the Web of Science Core Collection to be the same as other similar discovery solutions? Our experts will explain the history and foundations of the Web of Science that define it as the only source of highly selected content and complete citation indexing.
•             Learn about the Web of Science Journal Selection and what it means to be selective.
•             Understand the concept of Citation Indexing, how Indexing is consistent and controlled and how its powerful application drives discovery and analytics.

(2)          How can I identify Funding Sources? - 27 February, 10.00am

Date: Tuesday 27th February 
Time: 10.00am GMT Time 
Duration: 45 minutes 
Register at: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/k2/j.php?MTID=taa8806ac4b199f0aeeb0347788e86baa

•             Our experts will explain the sources of Funding data and how unification of Funders enables deep and accurate analysis of Funding sources.
•             Our experts will demonstrate how to explore funding sources and how to build an analysis of research outcomes from over 1.000 unified Funders.
•             Learn how to analyse funding data (Funders and Grant Numbers) from a variety of datasets (for example custom datasets on a topic, citing articles datasets, Funder datasets)

(3)          Learn how to create and consolidate an author identity (ORCID/RID) in order to be compliant with Publisher and Funder requirements for authors – 28 February, 10.00am

Date: Wednesday 28th February 
Time: 10.00am GMT Time 
Duration: 45 minutes 
Register at: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/clarivatesupport/k2/j.php?MTID=taa7fe8f627fe95062795759909779495

•             Major publishers such as PLOS, Royal Society and Wiley and Funders such as the Wellcome Trust UK and Swedish Research Council amongst others require ORCID ID’s for authors. Our experts will show to how to craft an ORCID profile to include your publications from Web of Science.
•             Learn best practices and tips on how to search for your publications in Web of Science.
•             Our experts will show you how to save queries and receive query alerts in order to facilitate the updating of your ORCID profile.

Please contact webofscience@jisc.ac.uk should you have any queries or require support.